Top Five Wednesday: Books That Need a Sequel

Today’s topic is standalone books that NEED a sequel. But it’s time we take a trip down memory lane.

I first began buying my own books in high school and college. I know at that point in time I’d started reading a handful of series, but I always tried finding standalones. At the library. At the bookstore. Or online. I’d search for hours to find a standalone I wanted to read. I often successfully found one. I discovered several of my favorite authors this way.

But as time has passed on I’ve had to change up my strategy. Now whenever I happen to be looking for something new I’m searching for the first book in a new series. This isn’t inherently worse, just different.

All this to say that once upon a time I wanted to read as many standalone novels as I could, but now I’m reading a million series at once. I’ve never read a solid standalone I felt needed a sequel. Not once. And some of the best books I’ve ever read have been standalones.

So my answer to today’s topic is simple: A good standalone shouldn’t need a sequel. What do you think!?

11 thoughts on “Top Five Wednesday: Books That Need a Sequel

  1. Good answer! I’ve always preferred standalones and really appreciate a good ones that stand on their own without the need for sequels. In fact, sometimes–especially in the case of movies–forcing a sequel can diminish the brilliance of the first book/movie.


  2. My favorite book of all time is a stand alone: I Heard the Owl Call My Name by Margaret Craven.
    It’s based on true life and there’s no way there could ever be a sequel, not with the way the book ended.
    For the longest time To Kill A Mockingbird was a standalone. Then the author found the ‘lost’ manuscript of the prequel and it all went to sh*t. šŸ˜¦ That was another book that did not, under any circumstances, need a prequel OR a sequel. *double sigh*.
    Nope, can’t think of a book that needs a sequel although there are MANY which should never have had one in the first place.


  3. If the author has rounded out the story with a satisfying conclusion then, no, a good story does not need a sequel. Occasionally, though I get invested in my relationship with one or more of the characters and would really like to know what happened to them later.


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